Saturday 8 December 2012

          Rashmi-Rathi (meaning "Sun's Charioteer") is one of the most celebrated poems of Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar' (the national poet of India).

          The idea of reading the book came from the Manas Baveja's audio files which contained the 3rd chapter of the book. It was sung so beautifully that I kept on recommending people to listen to it at least once (as one of my friends Piyush Kumar did once with me!).

          A few days back I started reading the poem and was so much mesmerized by the philosophy & rhymes that I couldn't keep myself away from the book and ended up finishing the 196 page eBook within 30 hours (w/o interrupting any of my other chores; btw, I'm a 1st year B. Tech. student). The book just mesmerized me. I guess I actually 'FELT' the book.

          As the name suggests, the book is mainly a praise to Karna (कर्ण) (also known as Radheya), the son of SUN; a praise to his truthfulness, charity, bravery, wisdom and generosity. So great was Radheya (राधेय) a warrior that it took Arjuna along with a combination of  3 curses, Indra's effort and Kunti's request to kill him in the battlefield. It's said & believed w/o any doubt that none who came to Karna with a request went empty handed (and this generosity of his was also a reason that made him more prone to death). Though Radheya was so generous, but life had always been cruel to him. He never got his due, but never gave up his efforts, accepted all the challenges and fought them back until he won except for last battle!

          Shree Krishna is stated saying the following words in praise of  Karna in the book after he (Karna) died in the battle:
"मगर, जो हो, मनुज सुवरिष्ठ था वह. धनुर्धर ही नहीं, धर्मिष्ठ था वह.
तपस्वी, सत्यवादी था, व्रती था, बडा ब्रह्मण्य था, मन से यती था.

हृदय का निष्कपट, पावन क्रिया का, दलित-तारक, समुध्दारक त्रिया का.
बडा बेजोड दानी था, सदय था  युधिष्ठिर! कर्ण का अद्भुत हृदय था.

किया किसका नहीं कल्याण उसने? दिये क्या-क्या न छिपकर दान उसने?
जगत् के हेतु ही सर्वस्व खोकर, मरा वह आज रण में नि:स्व होकर.

उगी थी ज्योति जग को तारने को. न जनमा था पुरुष वह हारने को.
मगर, सब कुछ लुटा कर दान के हित, सुयश के हेतु, नर-कल्याण के हित.

दया कर शत्रु को भी त्राण देकर, खुशी से मित्रता पर प्र्राण देकर,
गया है कर्ण भू को दीन करके, मनुज-कुल को बहुत बलहीन करके.

युधिष्ठिर! भूलिये, विकराल था वह, विपक्षी था, हमारा काल था वह.
अहा! वह शील में कितना विनत था? दया में, धर्म में कैसा निरत था!

समझ कर द्रोण मन में भक्ति भरिये, पितामह की तरह सम्मान करिये.
मनुजता का नया नेता उठा है. जगत् से ज्योति का जेता उठा है!"

          The book taught me the new ways to see & interpret why the (in)famous battle of 'Mahabharata' was fought, the certain ways that the battle could have been avoided and the book also told a lot about the human nature.

          The book made me cry at many places, it literally made me cry! A must read book for everyone who knows Hindi!!